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About Me

Hi, I'm Taylor! I'm a documentary and lifestyle photographer based out of Longmont, CO. I'm an awkward, quirky introvert but I love showing up to witness and see your unique story and life.

Why is my tagline "Honoring Stories and Preserving Memories"?


My mom taught me the power, beauty, and love of photography. While she wasn't a professional photographer with a fancy camera, my mom was always taking TONS of photos to make sure that our memories were preserved. Now that she is gone, I am forever grateful for all those photographs I now have. I also took the last "best" photo of her and the last photo of her ever. Ever. Unfortunately, I know the weight some of these images can bear. Our photographs carry some of the most important pieces of our lives and hold our memories so they are always with us. I hang up phone photos in my house because those photos are often of the most "real" moments of me with my loved ones. That is what I am hoping change with this business.

The photos I take for you and your family are meant to capture those sweet, tender moments other photographers wouldn't get. No more poses, stiff smiles, or perfect, coordinated outfits (I love those photos and have those photos done occasionally too! They serve a different purpose though). My photography is meant for those small pieces of your everyday life - the way you help your child get ready in the morning, the way you read aloud to your partner, the sassiness and laughter, cooking, dancing, singing, board games - I'm here for all of it. 

Can I share a not-so-secret "secret"?

 My primary job is as a mental health therapist who works with children and youth. Photography is my hobby-turned-side-gig. That is why when I say that I care about your story, you can trust that I mean it. When I'm not working, you can find me playing with my dogs, reading lots of books, learning ASL, and baking.

My Own Photo Story

My Team.

Technically, my doggos do not have those titles listed below, but they are a part of the team in spirit. I really just wanted an excuse to have you meet them. 

Did you know that you can totally include your pets in your sessions?! Be sure to check out my portfolio page if you're interested in getting your pets photographed.

“Omg Taylor these are so incredible.  You are so talented! H and I have been looking at them for the last couple of hours just amazed at how good they all are! You are ten times better than our wedding photographer! We are going to print some for our house too."
"I am obsessed!"

I'm the right photographer for you if...

  • You want the precious moments of your life captured, like the way your partner laughs when you make a cringey joke or the way your dog greets you when you come home

  • You can't seem to take a set of photos without sticking your tongue out (guilty as charged!)

  • You love pets and want them to be a part of your photoshoot

  • You like silliness and prefer if a photographer gives you an action to take - like twirling your partner - rather than a stiff pose - or no pose at all

  • You care about diversity, inclusion, and accessibility

  • You love beautiful Colorado (who doesn't?!)



Contact Me

Longmont, Colorado


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